Hi Readers,
Very good news. My painting pictured below won first prize in the Contemporary Section and another painting titled The Tree received a Commended in the Landscape section of The Armidale Art Prize 2016. I am thrilled and excited to receive recognition from a fellow artist and judge. I was away on holiday when the Exhibition opened, so I was delighted when my friend emailed me with the good news. I will include a photo of the painting The Tree in this post. This painting started as an abstract work, but then I was drawn to do a free and old tree. Both paintings are oil paint on canvas. http://www.armidale.nsw.gov.au/whats-on/art-events/armidale-art-prize-and-exhibition-2016; http://www.linkedin.com/in/trish-petersen-298973aa?trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile;
The Tree |